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Year-End Fundraising

Superhero's Bootcamp™

Superhero's Training
Re-Opens Monday, June 3, 2019
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28% of nonprofits raise between 26–50% of their annual funds from their Year-End campaign.


Most of these donations are made in the Fall and early part of Winter; September-December, with a majority in November and December!  


Are you ready to make this year's campaign a blockbuster worthy SUPERHERO Event?

Let's get started!

Can you answer "yes" to one or more of these questions...

We haven't planned the Year-End or Giving Tuesday Campaign yet?

We don't know how to get our current donors to give more or acquire new ones.

We don't have enough knowledge about either campaign or how to set one up.

We don't have the manpower or resources needed to run an effective campaign. 

We've tried doing campaigns in the past and they have been epic failures.

We usually start campaigning in December to nothing but crickets.

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, we've got you covered.


We'll give you the step-by-step strategies needed to create your most profitable

Year-End Fundraising Campaign EVER!

Revel in the most profitable Year-End Fundraiser EVER!!!

Get access to all 8 modules of the "Year-End Fundraising Superhero's Bootcamp™" with Bonuses!


Invest in becoming a Fundraising Superhero!

We've got your Year-End campaign covered from inception to execution, like a superhero. 

What You'll Learn:

01| GPSing your monthly plan for a successful Year-End Campaign. 

05| How to get the crew on board. (BOD, Staff, Volunteers, and Ambassodors) 

02| Creating powerhouse email sequences. (12 done for you)

06| How to upgrade current and prospective donors into major gifting.

03| Where does Giving Tuesday fit in and how to make it work in the overall plan.

04| How to use social media to drive awareness and gain new donors.

07| How to use simple but impactful phone scripts to increase results.

08| How to use direct mailers for the win. 

You'll Get:

8 Proven strategies to create your most profitable Year-End Fundraising Campaign EVER!


Continuous support in a private group through the end of the year.


30-60-minute group video call.


Worksheets with step-by-step instructions. 

Free digital copy of "The Gala Planning Toolkit.
Free digital copy of "Grants and Sponsorship OH MY!"

Are You Ready?

Let's get you registered early and on your way to fundraising superhero statues with the Year-End and Giving Tuesday Campaigns!

We've got your Year-End campaign covered from inception to execution. 

Become the superhero of your nonprofit endeavors.

See you in class!  ~ ~ ~Tracy
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Let’s change the world together!


Question: When was the Year-End Fundraising Superhero's Boot Camp™ founded?

Answer: The Year-End Fundraising Superhero's Boot Camp™ was founded in 2016 by Tracy V. Allen of TVA Consulting, LLC.


Question:  Can I cancel at any time?

Answer: Sure you can, but because this is a 12-month nonprofit business building program you will still be responsible for the balance for the months left on the agreement. 


Question: How long is the subscription to Year-End Fundraising Superhero's Boot Camp™?

Answer: The subscription to this program last 12-months with 18-months of access to downloadables to training videos and downloadables.


Question: How long do I have access to the information in Year-End Fundraising Superhero's Boot Camp™?

Answer: For 18-months.


Question: Can all of the leaders in the organization use the subscription to Year-End Fundraising Superhero's Boot Camp™?

Answer: No.  This course is meant to be used by the purchaser only.  This course should not be shared with anyone else.  To do so will be in direct violation of the copyrights laws.


Question: Do you offer refunds?

Answer: No.  All sales are final.


All sales are final. There are no refunds after purchase. All purchase must include addresses associated with the credit or debit card used. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is a single person use course meaning that you cannot share the content of this course with anyone else e.g. other leaders, staff members, or volunteers.



We do not sell or share any of your information with any entities outside TVA Consulting, LLC.  We do not use cookies.



The creator of this course makes no guarantees towards the status of your organization after taking this course. As with everything else in life you get out of it what you put in. If you do not follow the steps and implement consistently and effectively, you will not have the success that you hope to achieve.


I am not a lawyer and I am not offering legal advice in this course.  Purchasing this course does not constitute a consultive agreement between you and I.  If you are in need of consulting, you will need to book that separately.  This course is for educational and informational purposes only.


©2016 TVA Consulting, LLC 

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