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The Side Hustler's Success Blueprint™

Let's get the money you need to supplement or replace your current income.
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Are you open to learning and implementing new systems and processes that can earn you from $500.00-$2,500.00+ per month with your side hustle?


We all know that in today’s society you need more than one source of income to survive.


The Side Hustler's Success Blueprint™ is a step-by-step system designed for anyone who wants to have another source of income but does not have the time needed to get a successful business up and running. A side hustle allows you to keep doing what you are currently doing while making some extra money.   


Let's Make Some SHMONEY!

Here's what we know:

We know that not everyone wants to leave their current jobs.

We know that Serial-Entrepreneurs are always looking for a way to make more money or add a new venture to their portfolio.

We know that not everyone has the physical or mental capability to build, manage and grow a business fulltime.

We know that just because you want it, it doesn't mean that you will get the support need to be successful at it.

We also know that not every want has a deep-seated passion for any one thing that propels them to jump feet first into the entrepreneurial pond.

Most of all we know that EVERYONE wants to make some extra money.

We also know . . . “but life.”

The Side Hustler's Success Blueprint™ is the solution you have been looking for to create and start the perfect side hustle for yourself in as little as 30-day. 

Is this program for you? Yay or Nay

The Side Hustler's Success Blueprint™ is probably not for you if you are not willing to sacrifice some time and put in some hard work up front to pave the road to a successful side hustle that brings you the income you need for whatever you need it for in your life.

The Side Hustler's Success Blueprint™ has everything you need to start, build, grow, and expanded your side business all while making some much-needed SHMONEY!  

What You'll Learn:

01| Getting Clear – How much do you need to make and why?

02| What is the best side hustle for your talents and skills?

03| Blueprint to go from Idea to Implementation

04| Get clarity to chose to perfect side hustle for your lifestyle

05| Time management and prioritization

06| Should you side hustle be a sole-proprietorship or LLC

07| Steps to keep making money and keep growing

08| Understand the backend – a.k.a. the icky stuff - business licenses, bank accounts, insurance, and taxes

09| Ways to Branding and Marketing your side hustle effectively.

10| How do you know it’s time to transition – Next Steps

Join the ranks of successful and thriving Side Hustlers.

Workbooks pages and some done for you documents and free resources. 
6 months of monthly 1-hour Group Coaching Calls
One 1:1 30-minute consultation call. 

Are You Ready?

Let's get you registered and on your way to creating the side hustle you need to change your life.

Let's make some SHMONEY Hunny!

See you in the Shmoney Maker!  ~ ~ ~Tracy
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Question: When was The Side Hustler's Success Mastermind™ founded?

Answer: The Side Hustler's Success Mastermind™ was founded and copyrighted in 2017  by Tracy V. Allen of TVA Consulting, LLC.


Question:  Do this course come with any guarantees?

Answer: No! You get from it what you put into it and work to get out of it.  I guarantee you that I will give you the systems, processes, and tools needed to be a success.


Question: How long do I have access to the information in The Side Hustler's Success Mastermind™?

Answer: For 6-months.


Question: Do you offer refunds?

Answer: No.  All sales are final. What has been seen cannot be unseen.


All sales are final. There are no refunds after purchase. All purchase must include addresses associated with the credit or debit card used. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is a single person use course meaning that you cannot share the content of this course with anyone else e.g. other leaders, staff members, or volunteers.



We do not sell or share any of your information with any entities outside TVA Consulting, LLC.  



The creator of this course makes no guarantees towards the status of your organization after taking this course. As with everything else in life you get out of it what you put in. If you do not follow the steps and implement consistently and effectively, you will not have the success that you hope to achieve.


I am not a lawyer and I am not offering legal advice in this course.  Purchasing this course does not constitute a consultive agreement between you and I.  If you are in need of consulting, you will need to book that separately.  This course is for educational and informational purposes only. 



©2019 TVA Consulting, LLC 

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