What is a strategic plan?
A great strategic plan is an operating manual that can transform a nonprofit organization. This document can be used to engage your board members, prioritize spending, synchronize your programs and services, and set goals that will inspire your donors and volunteers. The program will discuss the key components of a strategic plan, best practices for the planning process, and tools that can catapult your organization's success.
Workshop Objectives:
To help participants to increase their knowledge, improve their skills, and enhance their attitude toward Strategic Planning and be able to use the Strategic Planning Process to make their businesses more successful.
Workshop Description:
This 3-day workshop is designed to provide the basic concepts and practical skills that are used in Strategic Planning for a variety of businesses. It includes exercises, a short video, and an Action Plan that participants will create for using Strategic Planning in their businesses.
What you will Learn:
Why nonprofits need a strategic plan
How to develop the plan with the board
Elements of a great plan
Implement and execute an effective plan
Planning to finance services and programs
Planning programs and expected outcome
Planning for staff and volunteers
Putting the plan to work for success

Who is this for:
Individuals new to grant writing
Civil Servants
Healthcare Workers