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Telling Profitable Stories

  • 16 Steps


Are you having trouble connecting to your audience? Do you feel like there is a missing ingredient in your marketing and promotions? You know that a well-created story can be convincing and persuasive. So, how can you master Telling Profitable Stories? In this course, you'll apply a series of practical guidelines, step-by-step, for creating compelling stories to use to convert onlookers into buyers. We will be diving deeper into the storytelling framework and taking you step-by-step through the process of crafting stories that sell, leading to increased revenue streams. After taking this course, you will understand how to integrate storytelling into your sales copy and capture the interest of your audience, and take them from onlookers to buyers. You will be able to create an unforgettable brand whose stories will be etched in the minds of your audience making it easier to sell to them and retain them. Be Inspiring, Be Motivating, Be Dynamic, Be a Change Agents, Be a Closer when you are Telling Profitable Stories. What You'll learn • You'll learn how to include all the senses in your story to trigger emotional responses. • You'll learn the most impactful storytelling framework. • You'll understand how to drive your narrative to selling point that convert. • You'll learn how, when, and where to distribute your story for maximum impact. Who this course is for: • Entrepreneurs • Social Enterprises • Leaders • Public Speakers • Marketers • Nonprofit Live Class

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